TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a Township-initiated application for an official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 17 and Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. A public meeting regarding these two applications will be held on Monday April 14, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the applications and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s file numbers for these applications are OP01/25 and RZ01/25.
Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments
The purpose of the proposed official plan amendment is to change Section C.5- Housing Policies to include a new section C.5.8- Additional Residential Units. The effect of the official plan amendment is to include policies regarding Additional Residential Units (ARUs) on land where residential uses are permitted.
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to allow Additional Residential Units (ARUs), both attached and detached, on lands where residential uses are permitted and provide associated regulations. And further to permit “M1-Service Industrial” uses to be added to the list of permitted uses in “M2 – General Industrial”.
The effect of the amendment is to implement zoning regulations necessary to facilitate Additional Residential Units and to add permitted uses in the M2 - Industrial zone.
Due to the amendments broadly affecting lands in the Township, a key map has not been provided.
- Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
- Application Form - Official Plan Amendment
- Application Form - Zoning Bylaw Amendment
- Draft Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Zoning Bylaw Amendment