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Construction Projects

Current Construction Projects

  • We have begun Phase 2 of the East Mill Street reconstruction, which will include converting existing overhead utilities to underground utilities within the municipal right-of-way between Metcalfe Street and Geddes Street. The utility companies will coordinate “switchovers” from the existing services to the new underground services. The switchovers will be coordinated to minimize any potential service disruptions.
  • We anticipate completion of Phase 2 utility conversions in late April 2024.
  • The Township has tendered the East Mill St. Streetscape Phase 2 reconstruction project, which is anticipated to begin in spring 2024, pending Council approval. Phase 2 works will include the final streetscape elements, plantings, street trees, landscaping restorations, the permanent concrete sidewalk between Metcalfe St. to Geddes St., as well as the final asphalt surface and pavement markings.
  • For more information on this project and on the public consultation process, click here.

  • The combined Fergus and Elora Water Supply system currently consists of six wells in Fergus and three wells in Elora. As outlined in the Township's 2019 Water Supply Master Plan, additional groundwater well sites are needed to supplement existing water supply capacity and accommodate population and employment growth to the 2041 timeframe.
  • In accordance with the recommendations of the Water Supply Masterplan, the Township is assessing the feasibility of developing new groundwater supply sources in four target areas, These target areas are referred to as Areas 3, 5,7 and 8.
  • The Township's project team has designed a test well drilling program in these areas to assess the feasibility of locating future municipal production wells.
  • The drilling and testing work will begin in June 2022 and continue through to 2023.
  • The contractor for this project is Aardvark Drilling Inc., Guelph, ON.

The Township will be replacing two municipal productions wells located in Fergus.  The existing wells are being replaced with new wells to optimize the amount of water that can be supplied from these locations.

  • Well F2 is located at 449 St. Andrew Street East, between  Herrick Street North and Gartshore Street.
  • Well F5 is located at 900 Scotland Street, near the intersection of Scotland Street and McQueen Boulevard.


New monitoring wells used to collect measurements in the groundwater aquifer that supplies the Township’s drinking water will also be drilled as part of this work.

  • A grouping of three monitoring wells will be installed on the boulevard at the northeast corner of the intersection of St. Andrew Street and Cameron Street.
  • A monitoring well will be installed at the Township’s Water Services property located at 295 Queen Street East.


Drilling work will begin in late July 2021 and continue until July 2022.

  • During this time, the contractor will be moving between the various sites with a truck-mounted drill rig to install the wells and perform testing.
  • The drilling work is not anticipated to result in any road closures.
  • The contractor for this project is Aardvark Drilling, Guelph, ON.

  • Construction is set to begin in May. The first phase (2024) will include reconstructing St. David Street North (Highway No. 6) from St. Andrew Street to 50m north of Garafraxa Street.
  • A second phase of construction will begin in 2025, which will focus on the block from Garafraxa St. to Edinburgh Ave
  • The project is scheduled to be substantially completed by the end of 2025, with some finishing works (i.e. surface asphalt paving and final landscaping) being finalized in 2026.
  • For more information on this project and on the public consultation process, click here.

  • In the fall of 2024, the Township of Centre Wellington is repairing, updating roadside safety elements, and providing road/drainage improvements at bridge site number 26-P located between Sideroad 5 and Sideroad 11, 1.7km south of Wellington Road 17. The construction will occur from September 9 through November 2024.
  • At the bridge site, First Line W., between Sideroad 5 and Sideroad 11, will be closed to traffic during the construction period. Unfortunately once work has begun, vehicles will not be permitted to cross the bridge until all work has been completed. There will also be times that the intersection at Sideroad 5 and First Line W will require closure for drainage improvements at this location.
  • The contractor for this project is Wellington Construction Contractors Inc., Palmerston Ontario.

  • The Township of Centre Wellington is in the planning and design stage for replacement of the watermain on Chalmers Street in Elora from Moir Street to Colborne Street.
  • The existing watermain is nearing the end of its service life and in need of replacement.
  • The project will also include road restoration complete with new asphalt.
  • Construction completed. Project is in maintenance period.

  • To accommodate the Ainley development, offsite improvements are required to Gerrie Road. Work includes removal and replacement of approximately 825m of the existing road base/surface, hydro pole/hydro infrastructure relocations, installation of a new 300mm watermain and upgrading the west side to an urban standard which will include storm sewers, curb and gutter, multi-use path, street trees and streetlights. The east side will remain a rural standard.
  • Construction will resume in spring 2025 to complete the boulevard restoration, including the multi-use path, street lighting, street trees, and the installation of topsoil and sod. While the road will remain open throughout the project, occasional lane restrictions may be in place. For more information about the project, please click here.

Future Construction Projects

  • The Township of Centre Wellington has six existing works facilities that were integrated into the Township of Centre Wellington through amalgamation. Some of these older facilities are 50 to 60 years old, are at or above capacity, are in deteriorating condition and are reaching the end of their service life.
  • To address the issues, the Centre Wellington Council Strategic Plan 2019-2022 provided a strategic direction and initiative to open a new operations facility. To further that initiative, a space needs assessment and concept design study was completed. The study identified space requirements for the 20-year timeframe to accommodate Township staff, vehicles, equipment and material requirements for multiple departments including for growth to 2041.
  • The recommended option from this study is to build a new multi-departmental Operations Centre in two phases on a 20 acre centrally located site.
  • A site selection process led to the purchase of a 20-acre site located at 965 Gartshore Street in Fergus for the future Operations Centre.
  • The required technical site studies and the re-zoning of the property were completed in 2023.
  • The next phase of the project will include issuing a Request for Proposal to retain the design team and construction management team to complete the pre-construction phase of the project which is planned to be issued during Winter 2024.
  • For more information on this project, click here.

  • The Township is in the planning and design stage for the reconstruction of Colborne Street from John Street to Wilson Crescent.
  • This road section will be upgraded from a rural cross section to an urban cross section including curb and gutter, sidewalk and storm sewer.
  • The sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer are being upsized to accommodate future growth.
  • Construction is expected to start in late spring 2025.

  • The Township is in the planning and design stage for the reconstruction of Hill Street from Herrick Street to Gartshore Street.
  • This road section will be upgraded from a rural cross section to an urban cross section including curb and gutter, sidewalk and storm sewer.
  • The sanitary sewer and watermain have reached the end of their service life and will be replaced.
  • Construction is expected to start in late spring 2025.

  • The Township is in the planning and design stage for the replacement of sanitary sewer and services on Metcalfe Street from Church Street to James St.
  • Sanitary sewer is inn poor condition and has reached the end of its service life which requires full replacement.
  • Construction is expected to start in the spring of 2025.

Infrastructure Services - General Inquiries
7444 Wellington Rd 21, Elora,
Ontario, Canada, N0B 1S0
Phone: 519.846.9691 x905
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