Former Pilkington Township Bridges (1-P, 28-P, 30-P, 32-P and 33-P)
- The Township of Centre Wellington is conducting a review of 1-P, 28-P, 30-P, 32-P and 33-P in a combined Schedule "B" Municipal Class Environmental Study to address these structures that are currently closed to vehicular traffic due to their deteriorated state. This study is designed to discover the next steps and preferred alternatives. These five (5) bridges are located within a twenty square kilometre area of road networks located within the former Township of Pilkington. This study will also evaluate the role of these structures within the overall transportation network and connectivity in the local community and determine the most suitable alternative at each location.
- This Class EA was commenced in July 2023 to review options and identify the preferred alternative to address the deterioration of the bridges.
- Additional details are provided on Connect CW.
- The Notice of Completion was issued on March 7, 2024.
- Final - PFR_5 Bridges in Former Pilkington Township
Bridge 16-WG
Click here for more information on this project.
Former West Garafraxa Bowstring Arch Bridges (4-WG and 24-WG)
Two bridge structures in Centre Wellington have been reviewed through a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to address their advanced state of deterioration. Both structures (24-WG and 4-WG) are located within the former Township of West Garafraxa. Bridge 24-WG is located on First Line between Sideroad 10 and Sideroad 15 in the rural area to the north of Fergus. Bridge 4-WG is located on Fifth Line between Wellington Road 18 and Eramosa-West Garafraxa Townline in the rural area to the south of Belwood Lake.
4-WG – Concrete Bowstring Arch
Built in 1923, this this 6.1m (20ft) single span concrete bowstring arch bridge is located on the Fifth Line of the former Township of West Garafraxa and spans a tributary of the Speed River. Bridge 4-WG has had a posted load limit of 5 tonnes and a height restriction barrier. While Bridge 4-WG remains open to light vehicle traffic, it is nearing the end of its service life.
24-WG – Concrete Bowstring Arch
Built in 1922, this 22.9m (75ft) single span concrete bowstring arch bridge is located on the First Line of the former Township of West Garafraxa and spans the Irvine Creek. This bridge was closed to vehicle traffic in July 2018 due to structural concerns.
Class EA was commenced in November 2018 to review options and identify the preferred alternative to address the deterioration of the bridge. The Class EA was completed in September 2020. The preferred alternative is to replace both structures subject to a number of commitments and mitigation measures. The Class EA is considered approved under the Environmental Assessment Act and both bridge projects may proceed to construction.
Additional details are provided on Connect CW.
Middlebrook Place Bridges (170160 and 180160)
Two structures on Middlebrook Place are being reviewed through a Municipal Class EA. Middlebrook Place Road is a boundary road between the Townships of Woolwich and Centre Wellington. Because this structure is on a section of road maintained by Woolwich Township, Woolwich is taking the lead in the environmental assessment process with Centre Wellington as a funding partner.
170160 – Concrete Bridge
Built in 1932, this concrete bridge is located on boundary road Middlebrook Place (Weisenberg Road) and spans the drainage course in the former Township of Pilkington and the Township of Woolwich. Bridge 170160 is nearing the end of its service life and a Class EA was commenced in March 2018 to review options and identify the preferred alternative to address the deterioration of the bridge. Please proceed to the Township of Woolwich website for additional details.
180160 – Steel Truss Bridge
Built in 1910, this steel truss bridge is located on boundary road Middlebrook Place (Weisenberg Road) and spans the Grand River in the former Township of Pilkington and the Township of Woolwich. Bridge 170160 is nearing the end of its service life and a Class EA was commenced in March 2018 to review options and identify the preferred alternative to address the deterioration of the bridge. Please proceed to the Township of Woolwich website for additional details.
A Public Information Centre was hosted at the Bethel Mennonite Church, on November 27, 2018. The information presented included the existing environmental conditions, review of the rehabilitation alternatives considered and a discussion period.
Notice of Public Consultation Centre November 15, 2018
November 27, 2018 Presentation
Notice of Schedule Change November 12, 2019
Notice of Completion February 19, 2020
Northeast Fergus Industrial Park Stormwater Management Strategy
The Township of Centre Wellington is completing a review of the storm drainage requirements for the Northeast Industrial Park on Gregson Court in Fergus. The review includes delineation of drainage areas and stormwater management options. Completion of the review will provide a strategy to address stormwater management needs for the Northeast Industrial Park.
St. David Street Bridge, Structure 2-F
Constructed in 1968, this concrete bridge is located on St. David Street (Highway No. 6) crossing over the Grand River in Fergus. This bridge is nearing the end of its service life. The rehabilitation of the St. David Street Bridge will include the replacement of the deck, girders and traffic barriers, modification of the abutments to semi-integral type complete with new waterproofing and paving, road approaches, drainage improvements and utility replacement. In April 2016, the Township was successful in securing a $2.2 million grant for the rehabilitation of the St. David Street Bridge under the Province of Ontario's Connecting Links Program.
A Public Information Centre was hosted at the Fergus Grand Theatre on October 6, 2016. The information presented included the existing environmental conditions, review of the rehabilitation alternatives considered and a discussion period. If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can review the presentation below.
The second Public Information Centre was hosted at the Fergus Grand Theatre on December 14, 2016. The information included the three rendering boards, alternatives considered and a discussion period.
Third Line West, Structure 24-P
Structure 24-P, a concrete girder bridge located on the Third Line West, Former Township of Pilkington, is deteriorating in terms of its structural integrity, resulting in increased concern for the safety of bridge users. The Township completed a Class EA in May 2014 to address the bridge's advanced state of disrepair and degeneration. EA documents are available upon request.
Transportation Master Plan
The Township has developed a long-range Transportation Master Plan to improve how all modes (walking, cycling, driving, etc.) move in and around the Township.
Victoria Crescent Elora, Trunk Storm Sewer Replacement
A Municipal Class EA has been initiated to address the severe deterioration of stormwater infrastructure within the Study Area shown in the Public Comment Invite Letter and Notice. Stormwater runoff from the study area discharges to the Irvine Creek in the vicinity of Victoria Crescent in Elora. The storm sewer has insufficient cover and the overall condition of the aging sewer is extremely poor. This Class EA will consider options and identify the preferred alternative to address the deterioration.
On November 14 2017, a Public Information Centre was hosted at the Elora Community Centre Hall. The information provide included opportunity statement, alternatives considered, mitigation measures and next steps in the municipal class EA.
A copy of the Project File Report and associated Appendices as well as the Notice of Completion are available for review and can be found below.
Victoria Street Pedestrian Bridge and Badley (Metcalfe Street) Bridge
The County of Wellington initiated this Class Environmental Assessment (EA) in June of 2015 for the planning of the Badley (Metcalfe Street) Bridge replacement or rehabilitation in Elora. The existing bridge is nearing the end of its service life and the County needs to define a future bridge management plan. The bridge is the main roadway link to access Elora's downtown core for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. The project is subject to Schedule C of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process (Class EA), under the Province of Ontario's Environmental Assessment Act.
The Township of Centre Wellington subsequently initiated a Class EA in February of 2016 for the construction of the Victoria Street Pedestrian Bridge in Elora. The bridge will form part of the urban renewal projects ongoing in Elora's downtown core. This project is subject to Schedule B of the Municipal Class EA process, under the Province of Ontario's Environmental Assessment Act.
A public information meeting and special council meeting was held on November 22, 2017 at the Elora Community Centre to outline the various design options for the Victoria Street Pedestrian Bridge. Options were showcases to the public for review prior to the special council meeting that followed.
Water Supply Master Plan
The Township has initiated a Water Supply Master Plan in response to the anticipated growth in Centre Wellington up to 2041. The amount of water the Township's current water supply system can provide will be reviewed for various scenarios including the potential impact of climate change, and compared to the estimated future demand for water.
The second Public Information Centre for the Water Supply Master Plan was held on April 24 2019 from 6:00-8:00pm during the Key Projects Open House.
For more information about these completed projects, please contact Environmental Services.