The event organizer is responsible for ensuring that an emergency plan is in place. Emergency plans must be developed specific to the special event activities, including written plans for communication responsibilities, coordination with authorities, weather, personal and property damage.
Event organizers are responsible for tracking and communicating extreme weather conditions to event participants and attendees before and during the event. Hot temperatures, high winds, heavy rain, snow, and sleet can all pose safety risks for special events.
For all events with service of alcohol and/or expected attendance of 3000 or more an EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN will be requested in addition to other standard requirements.
• If requested, the emergency action plan must be developed in order to ensure all aspects of public safety are addressed (e.g. emergency medical services, security, communication tactics, social media management etc.).
• If requested, the emergency action plan must be submitted to the Township a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the event.
• All costs associated with the preparing of emergency action plans and complying with required paid duty police officers, medical services and security shall be solely borne by the Event Organizer unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Event Organizer and the Township.
Included with your Emergency Action Plan, a Mandatory Emergency preparedness meeting will be required prior to your event. An attempt must be made to have the following in attendance where applicable:
Township Staff (including Fire)
AGCO (where applicable)
Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health
Guelph-Wellington Paramedic Service