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July 15th Strategic Decisions of Council

Council Meeting Date: July 15, 2024

Strategic Decisions from Council


Consent Agenda Items

Bylaw to Dedicate A Public Highway Known as Dickson Drive

Heritage Designation Recommendation - 6550 Gerrie Road, Elora

Toll Booth-Fergus Firefighters


Fergus Tennis Club Use of Grounds Agreement
Upon review of the current agreement between the Township and the Fergus Tennis Club Inc. dated December 31, 2018 to December 31, 2028, it was determined that not all of the terms agreed upon had been reflected in the agreement.  It states that both parties agree to share long term maintenance costs of the court including colour coating surface, asphalt surface, tennis posts and lighting fixtures/poles in the proportion of seventy-five (75%) percent to be paid by the Township and twenty-five (25%) percent to be paid by the Club. The agreement has been amended to the updated terms where the Fergus Tennis Club Inc. shall pay an annual rental fee of $1,400 + HST starting in 2019 and increase annually by rates set by Council. The 2024 rate is $1,601.15 + HST. Similarly, Fergus Tennis Club Inc. shall pay Hydro Fees of $250 annually backdating to the 2019 agreement, the addition of which is amended in the proposed Rates & Fees amendments. Amendments to the Club duties on the Sportsplex Tennis Courts are also revised to reflect the change to an annual rental fee. The Tennis Club has been consulted on the changes, has reviewed the document and supports the amendments.

Report to Council


Agreement to Extend and Amend Lease with the Highland Rugby Club
Council approved extending the Lease Agreement for 160 Albert Street West, Fergus with the Highland Rugby Club. 

The Highland Rugby Club continues to operate and use all areas of the facility. They coordinate and rent the meeting/assembly hall to members of the community for all types of functions including club meetings, fitness classes, birthday parties, wedding celebrations, etc. All revenue is collected by the Rugby Club and utilized for their operations and expenses. The public washrooms continue to be a great asset to the public/users of Victoria Park. The Township and Rugby Club have worked together closely over the past 6 months to discuss the renewal of a lease recognizing that the original lease agreement was created with the intent of creating and renovating all aspects of the building and included a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement.

This extension will allow the Township to complete the Recreation and Parks Plan, and as part of that the Indoor Multi-purpose Recreation Facility Feasibility Study. From this work, the Township can expect that the overall vision of the department will give a clearer picture on the status and recommendations for sports fields and facilities like the Rugby Club building. With the current state of the building many mechanical systems are coming to an end of life with the expectations they will need replaced within the next 5 years. The Township and the Rugby Club want to be sure before making this significant investment that the future of this building is in line with the direction recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Plan. The Rugby Club supports the decision to extend the lease to allow for “business as usual” for the next two years. The Agreement also allows for 4 additional six-month extensions beyond the 2 years if required.

Report to Council


Canadian Cultural Spaces Fund Application
Council authorized staff to submit an application to the Canadian Cultural Spaces Fund in support of renovations to the upstairs at the Fergus Grand Theatre, and authorized a top up to the budget of $8,000 from General Capital Reserves to meet the Township's 50% commitment to the project, if the grant application is successful.

If the Township receives the grant, the project will transform the upstairs of the Fergus Grand Theatre into a safe, useful space that can be utilized by the different client groups booking the theatre to prepare for their performances. It will also provide technicians with a functional washroom easily accessible from the booth. This renovation also helps volunteers with having a place to store the equipment, supplies and concession inventory needed to continue to raise funds for Theatre improvements.

Report to Council


Amendment to Delegation of Authority Bylaw - Planning Act Authority
As part of the ongoing changes to Provincial legislation aimed at reducing approval times for development applications, there have been changes to Section 41 of the Planning Act, which is the section of the Planning Act that deals with site plan control. These legislative changes at the provincial level necessitate changes to current municipal by-laws.

In consultation with the Township's legal counsel, it was determined that the appointment could be accommodated by modifying the current Delegation of Authority By-law 2023-78.  Council approved the revised by-law which adds the necessary language to the section of the by-law dealing with the powers granted to the Managing Director of Planning and Development.  Council also approved enhancing administrative efficiency by granting authority to enter into subdivision or condominium agreements to ensure compliance with the conditions of draft plan approval to staff.

Report to Council


Elora Centre For The Arts - Request for Interest Free Loan
The Elora Centre For The Arts (ECFTA) currently holds an interest free loan with the Township which carries a balance owing to the Township of approximately $25,000 at December 31, 2023. Members of the ECFTA have approached staff and have delegated to council regarding the potential of extending another interest free loan to support their recent facility heat system upgrade. Staff have been working with ECFTA, legal council, and the associated financial institutions to finalize terms and a draft agreement suitable to all parties to facilitate the extension of the new loan, which Council approved.

Report to Council

Elora Green Space Lighting
Kat Florence Canada Company Limited (Kat Florence) has offered to donate the funds to install seasonal lighting between November and February at the Elora Green Space, located at 25 Mill Street West, Elora.  The lighting of the Green Space in Elora will create an attraction for tourism and benefit the Economic Development opportunity for downtown businesses and all of Centre Wellington.  Council authorized the Mayor and Clerk to sign an Elora Green Space Donation for Seasonal Lighting Agreement between the Township and Kat Florence Canada Company Limited.

Report to Council

Indigenous-themed Sports Logos in Township Facilities Update
The Township received a letter from the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), regarding the harmful impact of Indigenous-themed sports logos in city facilities. Work on that file was delayed due to COVID-19, and with the newly formed DEI Advisory Committee, a working group was struck to continue the work with the objective to comply with the OHRC's mandate to identify, prevent, and eliminate discrimination and to promote human rights.

The Jefferson Elora Community Centre (JECC) is the home centre for the Elora Mohawk Junior B Team and the CWMLA. The history of banners from these organizations were displayed at the JECC. During the facility renovation, all the banners from all the organizations were all removed to perform the work. There is a desire from the facility users to reinstall the banners at the facility, however development of a policy on displaying Indigenous-themed sports logos in Township facilities is still in progress.

The banners at the JECC capture the history of the lacrosse organizations in Centre Wellington. Meetings are ongoing with Grandmother's Voice to consider how the history can be preserved, while respecting Indigenous peoples' rights.  Staff updated Council to share the status and create awareness in the community of the ongoing work. Staff recommended pausing on reinstalling banners with Indigenous-themed logos in Township facilities until the work is completed and a policy created and endorsed by Council. Grandmother's Voice encouraged transparency and open communication with everyone. To that end, staff are recommending that Connect CW website be used to share the ongoing work on this.

Report to Council

Belwood Child Care and Recreation Feasibility Report
Council received for information staff’s Belwood Child Care and Recreation Feasibility Report and approved the following:

  •  THAT the Council of the Township of Centre Wellington supports a collaborative approach to child care planning, funding, administration, and operations lead by Wellington County with the Township playing a supportive role as outlined in this report;
  • AND THAT this report and approved recommendations be forwarded to Wellington County Council and relevant staff for their information to stress the importance of the County’s ongoing leadership and involvement in providing child care services in Centre Wellington, as well as the Township’s offer of support;
  • AND THAT Council defer decisions on future outdoor recreation needs in Belwood until the completion of the ongoing Parks and Recreation Plan, which will provide a comprehensive assessment of the needs in Centre Wellington.
  • AND THAT Council directs staff to send a letter to the County of Wellington encouraging County Council to consider investigating building child care facilities.

Report to Council


For More Information:

Hannah Barclay | Digital Media Associate | 519.846.9691 x221

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1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario, Canada, N0B 1S0
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