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Termite Management

Subterranean termites are non-native invasive insects that can cause serious structural damage to homes and can be difficult and expensive to control. Termites are wood destroying insects that live in large colonies numbering several million. They forage through the soil and expand the colony’s territory as they encounter new wood items to feed on. Termites tend to spread rather slowly, depending on the availability of surface dead wood, at an estimated rate of about 50 feet per year.

Subterranean termites are found in more than 30 Ontario municipalities and are a non-native pest that favours softwoods (pine or spruce) and faster-growing hardwoods (aspen). First detected in Elora in the mid-1970s, there are now several known Termite Management Areas encompassing many properties within Elora and Fergus. Termites are wood-eating social insects that can cause a substantial amount of damage to a property – resulting in costly repairs. The preferred habitat for termite colonies is underground, or aboveground in damp or wet areas or sandy soils. Termites build tunnels to reach food and every spring, groups of reproductive termites fly off to start new colonies.

There are three types of termite colonies:

  1. Workers which are approximately 6mm long, light-coloured and wingless.
  2. Soldiers have elongated heads with mandibles.
  3. Reproductives are dark-coloured and have two pairs of equal-length wings.

Termites can travel 500 feet (150m) from their nest, while flying termites may travel up to 3000 feet.

The best possible way to reduce termite infestation is by preventing it.

  • Store any wood on concrete or steel elevated off the ground.
  • When wood soil contact cannot be avoided, use a product treated to resist termites.
  • Elevate sheds with concrete blocks and/or use concrete for floors.
  • Remove dead trees and or any infested live trees immediately. Remove the stump by excavating or grinding to ensure all chipped material is disposed of.
  • Use mulch made of 100% bark or stone. Wood chip mulches should be avoided.
  • Remove any landscaping from around buildings that may hide entry points, and shelter tubes and make inspections more difficult. A clear area of 18 inches (450 mm) is recommended above the ground.
  • Keep new gardens and flower beds 18 inches (450mm) below the top of the foundation.
  • Direct downspouts and rainwater barrel overflow away from the buildings so that water does not pool.
  • Maintain existing drainage. Do not create gardens or plant trees and shrubs in swales.
  • Fix all plumbing leaks, particularly in showers and baths. These often have leaks supplying constant moisture that makes the wood just right to be eaten or for nesting.

Termites can enter a structure by:

  1. Tunneling through wood
  2. Building shelter tubes
  3. Entering cracks as small as 1/32 inch (.003 mm) in foundation walls

Do you think you might have termites?  Here are some ways to detect them:

  • You can easily leave dents in your baseboards or your wooden floor
  • Wooded window frames look spotted
  • You detect narrow mud tubes inside and outside your walls and foundation
  • Wooden door jams sound hollow
  • You notice strange bits of mud or a thin gritty gray-brown film on the plaster and woodwork throughout your home
  • You notice a “swarm” inside your home in the Spring then discarded wings that resemble fish scales

  • Inspect your property regularly for signs of termites. The best time to inspect is between April and November.
  • Lift any movable wood in contact with the ground, examine stumps by removing bark or cutting into them, look in the crevices of large trees for sheltered tubes and examine compost for signs.

If you find termites please call a licensed pest control company specializing in termite infestation.

In the fall of 2020 Termite Research Services Inc. led by Tim Myles, Ph.D. undertook a Termite Survey project in the areas of Fergus and Elora known to contain Termites. The survey was presented to Council for information.  To view the 2021 Report to Council and maps of the Termite zones in Elora and Fergus, click here.

Termite Management Subsidy Program

The purpose of the Termite Subsidy Program is to support residents and the community in significantly reducing the termite population in the Township of Centre Wellington.

This program will provide a subsidy of up to 85% of the initial installation of Sentricon Bait Stations to the exterior of a property, to a maximum of $2,500 per property. Annual subscriptions amounts, interior treatments, and additional treatments will not be reimbursed and are the responsibility of the property owner.

Applicants are eligible to apply for subsidy under this program, subject to meeting the general Program requirements, verification of requisite Program documentation, and subject to the availability of funding as approved by Council.

Subsidy payments for Applications approved under this program would be provided to Applicants subsequent to the Township's receipt of a completed Application, including Supporting Documentation.

The General Program Requirements contained in this program are not necessarily exhaustive, and the Township reserves the right to include other requirements and conditions as deemed necessary on a property-specific basis:

  1. Applications can be made only for properties located within the red or blue zones identified in the Termite Survey Report, and any residential property within the Township of Centre Wellington where there has been documented active Termite Activity (as evidenced by an inspection and documented by one of the Preferred Contractors).
  2. The subsidy may be granted on a retroactive basis back to July 1, 2024. This means that the Township can accept Applications for services rendered on or after July 1, 2024, provided sufficient evidence of treatment from one of the preferred contractors, verification of payment, and registration to annual subscription and maintenance and monitoring for a minimum of a 5-year term. This also means that an Application must be approved by the Township prior to the issuance of any subsidy amount.
  3. The Township may further restrict eligibility for any subsidy contained in this Program to certain areas and land uses, at certain times without amendment to this Program, to help ensure that funded projects maximize achievement of the purpose of this Program.
  4. The applicant must be the registered Property Owner.
  5. Only one subsidy under this Program will be approved and paid for any qualifying property within the Township.
  6. An individual, corporation, or other party who has litigation pending against the Township, or with the Township as a named party in any existing or pending litigation, may be deemed by the Township in its sole and absolute discretion to be ineligible for the subsidy program.
  7. Regardless of whether or not an Applicant otherwise satisfies the general and Program specific requirements from an Applicant where there is credible information that the Applicant has been involved recently, currently, or repeatedly in illegal activity, supporting the conclusion that the Applicant will not conduct themselves with honesty and integrity in undertaking the treatment Program for which a subsidy is being sought. In this regard, Applicants are individuals, corporations, and principals of the corporation, including corporate officers and directors.
  8. Supporting Documentation with an Application must include, without limitation: verification of treatment, contracts, reports, invoice(s) and other details as required by the Township to satisfy the Township with respect to the costs of the project, and conformity of the project with the subsidy Program.
  9. Review of an Application, including the Supporting Documentation, against the general Program requirements, and evaluation of the Application will be performed by a Committee of Township staff, who will then make a determination on eligibility and amount of subsidy.
  10. The Application is subject to approval by Council or Council’s delegate. Where applicable, should Council’s delegate decide not to approve the Application, the Applicant has the right to appeal that decision to Council within 30 days of the date of the decision.
  11. Where other sources of government and/or non-profit organization funding (Federal, Provincial, CMHC, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, etc.) that can be applied against the eligible costs that have been applied for, are anticipated or have been secured, these must be declared as part of the Application, and accordingly, the subsidy from the Township may be reduced on a pro-rated basis.
  12. The Township reserves the right to audit the cost of any and all works that have been approved under the subsidy Program.
  13. The Township is not responsible for any costs incurred by an Applicant in relation to the subsidy Program, including without limitation, costs incurred in anticipation of a subsidy.
  14. The Township may discontinue the subsidy Program at any time without notice.
  15. All treatments completed must comply with eligibility requirements, with any amendments approved at the sole discretion of the Township.
  16. When required by the Township, outstanding work orders, and/or orders or requests to comply, and/or other charges from the Township must be satisfactorily addressed prior to subsidy approval/payment.
  17. Property taxes must be in good standing at the time of Program application.
  18. Township staff, officials, and/or agents of the Township may inspect any property that is the subject of an Application at all reasonable times, and without notice.
  19. The Township reserves the right to request termite-related data from the Preferred Contractors for each property to receive a subsidy for the purposes of maintaining and updating termite activity within the Township.

In addition to the subsidy, the Township may provide, upon request, to a maximum of $28 per property, such amount to further subsidize the cost of a burn permit. This is applicable to properties identified within the red or blue zones in the Termite Survey Report and those properties submitting proof of current termite activity (as evidenced by a Preferred Contractor under agreement with the Township); however, all burn activity will be subject to successfully obtaining a burn permit from the Township and all applicable Class A Burn Permit Terms & Conditions. This maximum amount for burn permit subsidization will increase if/when the cost of a burn permit increases annually.

Implementation and Administration

It is anticipated that the Township of Centre Wellington Termite Management Subsidy Program will be implemented over a 5-year period commencing on the date of adoption and approval of the Program by Council. The Program may be extended or reduced by Council in its sole discretion, without amendment to the Program.

Council Role

Township Council will be responsible for the overall implementation and administration of this Program (subject to the Township's priorities and the availability of resources/funding). This includes, but is not necessarily limited to:

  1. Delegating authority to the Managing Director of Corporate Services and the Termite Management Review Committee (TMRC) for administering this Program.
  2. Identifying, as required and as part of the annual budgeting process, a termite management budget for the subsidy Program that has been implemented, in any given year.
  3. Adjudicate appeals from Applicants and making a final decision to approve or not approve Applications.

Managing Director of Corporate Services

Council, through this Program, delegates authority to approve Program Applications to the Managing Director of Corporate Services and Treasurer. In making a decision on a financial incentive Program Application, the Managing Director of Corporate Services will take into consideration the evaluation of Applications by the Termite Management Review Committee (TMRC).

Termite Management Review Committee (TMRC)

A Termite Management Review Committee (TMRC) will be established to administer this Program and may consist of Township staff from the following divisions:

  • Planning
  • Building
  • Purchasing and Risk
  • Finance

The composition of the TMRC can change at any time without amendment to this Program. The TMRC is given delegated authority by Council to evaluate subsidy applications and supporting
materials, and in coordination with Township staff, make a recommendation to the Managing Director of Corporate Services. The TMRC shall be authorized to retain and consult with other qualified professionals, as required. The TMRC will be responsible for providing advice and recommendations to the Managing Director of Corporate Services on the implementation and administration of the Program. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to:

  1. Reviewing and evaluating subsidy Program Applications.
  2. Making a recommendation to the Managing Director of Corporate Services to approve or not approve an Application.
  3. Making recommendations to Council with respect to the specification of an annual termite management budget for the subsidy Program.
  4. Providing input and guidance for an annual report to Council regarding progress on the Program and monitoring results.
  5. Periodic review of the Program.
  6. Making minor adjustments to the terms and requirements of the subsidy Program without amendment to this termite subsidy Program.
  7. Recommendations to Council with regard to: deactivation, or discontinuation of the subsidy Program; an increase in the maximum subsidy Program funding amounts, and/or the addition of any new subsidy programs.

Staff Role

The TMRC will assign a main Township sta􀆯 contact for subsidy Program applicants and will be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Program. This includes but is not necessarily
limited to:

  1. Intake of Program Applications, review and preliminary evaluation of Applications, including Supporting Documentation, against Program requirements.
  2. Supporting ongoing communication with Applicants regarding Program information, submission requirements, and progress on Application processing.
  3. Coordination of the TMRC to evaluate completed Applications.
  4. Preparation of a staff report on the Program Applications (including a recommendation from the TMRC) to the Managing Director of Corporate Services, or Council, as applicable.
  5. Preparation of an Annual Report to Council (with input from the TMRC), including Program uptake, subsidies disbursed, and other key subsidy Program monitoring results (if applicable).
  6. Input to the periodic review of the Program by the TMRC, including recommended revisions to the Program purpose and financial subsidy Program.
  7. Coordinate the promotion of this Program with support from the Township's Communications staff. 

This main Township staff contact may change as required due to staff workload and resourcing availability. 

Financial Management

As part of the annual Township budget process, Council will identify a budget for the Termite Management Program that are to be implemented in that year, if any. Since Applications will be received and evaluated on a first come, first served basis, the provision of any subsidy shall be to the limit of the available funding. During the implementation period of this Program, Council in its sole discretion will determine if changes to the maximum subsidy amounts and/or the budget for the subsidy Program will be made. In this regard, Council will seek to ensure that the Program continues to meet the strategic direction and objectives of Council, while maintaining the sustainability of the Program and protecting the financial interests of the Township.


Annually, the TMRC may make recommendations to Council with respect to the implementation and administration of the Program. Unless otherwise noted, Applications for the subsidy Program will be received on a first-come, first-served basis to the limit of the available budget funding. Applications will be evaluated in accordance with:

  • General Program Requirements
  • Specific Program Requirements
  • Application Submission Requirements
  • A Council approved budget

Applications for the subsidy Program must include:

  1. A legible copy of the completed application form;
  2. Legible copies of all Supporting Documentation, as specified in the Program document, which may include (but may not be limited to):
    1. A termite inspection report provided by a Preferred Contractor.
    2. A detailed installation invoice and annual subscription plan registration issued no more than 6 months before the Application date.
    3.  Proof of payment in full for the initial exterior treatment installation.
    4. Any additional requirements as determined by staff.

All sources of additional funding/incentives, as applicable, which must be declared at the time of Application submission and accordingly, the amount of the subsidy from the Township may be reduced on a pro-rated basis.

The following is a summary of the general process for submission, review and evaluation, and approval of the subsidy Program Application.

Step One - Application Submission

  1. Applications must be submitted in accordance with the requirements outlined on this webpage.
  2. The TMRC, Township staff, or a Preferred Contractor will inspect the building/site, as necessary.

Step Two - Application Review and Evaluation

  1. The TMRC will review the submitted Application and Supporting Documentation and advise the Applicant if the Application and/or Supporting Documentation is not complete.
  2. The Applicant may be provided with an opportunity to remedy an incomplete Application and/or incomplete Supporting Documentation, as notified by the Township in writing.
  3. Once a complete Application has been submitted, the TMRC will conduct a detailed review of the Application to determine subsidy Program eligibility and the amount of eligible subsidy.

Step Three - Application Approval & Subsidy Payment

  1. Based on the TMRC evaluation, indication of either approval or rejection will be provided to the Managing Director of Corporate Services.
  2. If the Managing Director of Corporate Services does not approve the Application, the Applicant will have the option of appealing the decision to Council for a final decision to approve or not approve the subsidy Program Application.
  3. For applications that are approved, a subsidy payment request will be prepared and forwarded to Finance for processing.

Termite Subsidy Application Form

Contact Us

Township of Centre Wellington
1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario, Canada, N0B 1S0
Phone: 519.846.9691
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