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Purchasing is responsible for the procurement of all materials, supplies and contracts required by the Township and administer all Requests for Tender and Requests for Proposals on the Township's behalf.

To view a list of the Townships current procurements visit our Bids and Tenders webpage.

NB: The Township will be transitioning to receiving bids through the Bids and Tenders platform.  During the transition period, some procurements will continue to request bids be emailed to the purchasing department. Please review the submission instructions provided in each procurement document to ensure that bids are submitted correctly. It is anticipated that the transition will be completed by August 31, 2024 and after that date ALL submissions must be made using the Bids and Tenders platform.

The Township follows strict by-laws and regulations for purchasing goods and services. Please read the details of these regulations.


View the Township of Centre Wellington's Purchasing By-law.

This legislation places a legal obligation on the Township of Centre Wellington to provide accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities with respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodation, employment, building, structures and premises.

Under the AODA, the following Ontario Regulations establish the accessibility standards the Township of Centre Wellington is required to meet as a public service provider.

  • Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (Ontario Regulation 429/07)
  • Integrated Accessibility Standards (Ontario Regulation 191/11)

The Township of Centre Wellington is committed to creating and maintaining an accessible community under this Act. All procurement authorities of the Township of Centre Wellington shall incorporate, where appropriate, accessibility criteria and features when procuring or acquiring goods, services or facilities.

  1. Open and honest dealing with everyone who is involved in the purchasing process.
  2. Fair and impartial award recommendations for all contracts and tenders.
  3. An irreproachable standard of personal integrity on the part of all those designated as purchasing agents for this agency.
  4. Co-operation with other public agencies in order to obtain the best possible value for every tax dollar.
  5. Continuous development of purchasing skills and knowledge.

We are participating members in the following associations and subscribe to their codes of ethics:

  • Ontario Public Buyers Association (OPBA)
  • Guelph Co-operative Purchasing Group
  • Cooperative Purchasing Group of Waterloo Region (CPGWR)
  • National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP)

Public notice as required by the Canadian Free Trade Agreement. The Township of Centre Wellington intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by the following cooperative buying group:

For further information and access to relevant information and notices, please review the websites below.

Guelph Cooperative Purchasing Group 

Local Authority Services (LAS) 

Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace (OECM) 

Kinetic GPO

The Township's process for handling Bid Irregularity.

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