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It is the Township's responsibility to prepare a budget that meets the needs of the community and ensures that all of our initiatives and priorities are addressed.​  

The 2025 Draft Budget is available for review prior to Council deliberations on December 3rd and 5th, 2024.  

The proposed increase for the Township portion of the tax bill is 3.49%.

For more information on the Draft 2025 Budget process, and budget deliberation dates, click here.  

The 2024 Budget focuses on planning for growth and sustainable future planning. 


In the 2024 Budget, the Township's portion of the overall tax increase is 7.38%. The tax increase will cost the average home $8.23 a month or $98.70 annually. The average residential tax bill breakdown will see the Township retain 31%, the County of Wellington will retain approximately 57% (pending County budget approval), and Education with 12%.


Key Investment Priorities

  • Detailed plans including an Active Transportation and Mobility Master Plan, an Economic Development and Tourism Strategic Plan and a Parks and Recreation Master Plan & Parkland Strategy.
  • New Staffing Positions include an additional Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, A Climate Change Coordinator, an Instrumentation and Systems Control Technician, a Customer Service Representative at the Jefferson Elora Community Centre, and a Construction Inspector.  New staffing positions are expected to have a minimal impact on the tax increase with much of the funding being derived from assessment growth, user fees, partnerships, and new service revenues
  • Asset Management Investments
  • Termite Management
  • Eighth Line W. – SR 11 to WR 17
  • Jefferson Elora Community Centre Asphalt Parking Area Resurfacing, which will include Low Impact Development features
  • St. David St. N – St. Andrew St. to Edinburgh Ave
  • Gerrie Road Reconstruction
  • Urban Forestry
  • Increased Gravel Maintenance

The 2023 Budget reflects a responsible approach to managing inflationary costs municipalities are facing this year.  The budget was developed with a strong focus on continuing to fund amenities our residents rely on daily, delivering services effectively and efficiently, investing in our infrastructure, and supporting growth.

The approved 2023 Budget has a 3.53% increase in Township taxation, which equals an additional $46 per year on the average assessed home in Centre Wellington.  The 2023 budget includes a $35.1 million tax supported operating budget, a $35.4 million capital budget, and a $14.2 million water and wastewater operating budget.  The 2023 budget focused on planning ahead and being fiscally responsible despite challenges with unprecedented inflation.


Key investment priorities

  • 8-month co-op placement in the office of the CAO
  • Fergus Business Park Servicing
  • New Water Supply – Initial Studies
  • Replacement of Structure 24WG and 16WG, Former Township of West Garafraxa
  • Beatty Line North Reconstruction
  • East Mill Street Reconstruction
  • McNab Street Watermain Replacement
  • Elora Community Centre Renovation
  • Victoria Park (Elora) Stairs Replacement
  • Fire Pumper Replacement

With OLG funding in 2023 anticipated to be $2,700,000, Council approved distribution as follows:

  • $2,430,000 to Township Capital (90%)
  • $108,000 Community Impact Grants (4%)
  • $81,000 to Economic Development (3%)
  • $81,000 to Heritage (3%).

A consultation and engagement approach will begin in advance of the 2024 Budget process. 

For more information on the 2023 Budget, please visit 

The approved 2022 Budget has a tax rate increase 2.16 per cent, which translates to an increase of $27 on the annual tax bill for the average residential property assessed at $381,095

Key investment priorities of the 2022 budget:

  • An approved policy that allocates 5% of OLG Funds received in 2021 to an Arts Culture and Heritage Reserve Fund.  It is anticipated that up to $61,000 will be available for Council to allocate. 
  • allocate $80,000 to support education initiatives and actions in 2022 regarding diversity, equity & inclusivity, and indigenous reconciliation. 
  • Replacement of the First Line bridge (24 WG)
  • Full reconstruction of St. George Street East from Herrick Street to Gartshore Street
  • Full reconstruction of Moir Street from Geddes Street to Princess Street
  • Paving of Eighth Line East from Wellington Road 21 to Sideroad 10
  • Final design and construction commencement for the Corporate Operations Facility
  • Budgeted an additional $140,000 toward the Termite Management Program, for a combined amount of $200,000 available in 2022

The approved 2021 Budget with a 1.33% increase in taxation represents a balance between meeting the needs of our growing community and the challenges of a global public health pandemic. A residential property in Centre Wellington assessed at $381,095 (2021 value) will pay an additional $15 in 2021 as a result of the Township’s budget.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is placing considerable pressure on the Township’s financial position.  Net revenue reductions as a result of the pandemic in 2020, will continue into 2021.  Significant impacts are in Community Services’ programming revenue and investment revenue.  However a significant portion of these impacts have been offset by cost savings across the Township and contributions from the Federal and Provincial governments under the Safe Restart Program. 

2021 Budget Highlights

  • A 0% wage increase as per the Employee Memorandum of Agreements with the Township’s Staff Association and two Volunteer Firefighter Associations.
  • Two permanent full-time positions approved will be shared positions with neighbouring municipalities.  This allows for resource sharing and a lower cost to each municipality.
  • Replacement of Fifth Line culvert (structure 4-WG).
  • Repaving of Eighth Line W from Middlebrook Road to WR 18.
  • Replacement of the watermain on Hill St. E from Gowrie St. to Cameron St. (Fergus).
  • Replacement of the ice pad at the Elora Community Centre.
  • Servicing of employment lands on Dickson Drive (Fergus).

The approved 2020 Budget tax increase is 2.7% ($30) plus an increase to the Bridge Rebuilding Capital Levy equal to 2% ($22) for a total tax increase of 4.7% ($52) on the average assessment for a residential property of $377,425.  Since introducing the 2% Bridge Rebuilding Capital Levy in 2014, the Township remains on track to build/rebuild 21 bridges in only 8 years.

Council also approved a new OLG Funding Allocation Policy which set direction for these funds to be used in the year following receipt.  It also outlined that;

  • 88% of the OLG funds will be used to fund Township Capital, to a maximum of $2.2 million
  • 5% to be directed to fund Arts, Culture and Heritage.
  • Any remaining dollars will fund Economic Development. 


 2020 Capital Project highlights include:

  1. Replacement of Third Line bridge (24-P)
  2. Pier Repointing and Lighting on the Jack R. MacDonald Pedestrian Bridge
  3. Rehabilitation of First Line Bridge (23-WG)
  4. Design, approvals and construction of a new corporate operations facility
  5. Middlebrook Road from Third Line to WR 7 asphalt resurfacing
  6. Rural road rebuild and upgrades – application of additional maintenance gravel
  7. Long-term water supply strategy implementation – Phase II Groundwater Investigation Study
  8. Additional water capacity for Wells F2 and F5
  9. Installation of play equipment, landscaping and trail development at Forfar Park
  10. A one year downtown Fergus and Elora 3 hour parking enforcement trial program
  11. Through the Township’s staffing strategy, one new Roads Operator, two seasonal employees to be shared between the Parks and Public Work divisions, and a Manager of Engineering Services will be hired through the tax-supported budget. 


Missed 2020 Budget deliberations?  View staff's presentation here.  

Council has approved the 2019 Operating and Capital budgets, investing in the services that reflect the priorities of our residents and the future of Centre Wellington.  The 2019 proposed tax increase is 2.05% ($21.29) plus an increase to the bridge rebuilding levy equal to 2% ($20.76) for a total tax increase of 4.05% ($42.05) on the average assessment for a residential property of $372,746.


For the first time, the Township provided a 3-year operating forecast as part of the budget process. This forecast provided a high-level look at the Township’s anticipated tax-supported operating needs to 2021.


 2019 budget highlights:


  • Long-term water supply strategy implementation – Phase I well optimization
  • Long-term water supply strategy implementation – Phase II groundwater exploration
  • Elora fire station renovation/expansion
  • Rehabilitation of Fifth Line Bridge
  • Pier repointing and lighting on the Victoria Street Pedestrian Bridge
  • Replacement of Fourth Line Bridge
  • Reconstruction of York and High Streets including underground services external to the Granwood development on the South-West side of Elora
  • Feasibility study for an Indoor Training Facility
  • Replacement of Splash Pad and play equipment and a new washroom in O’Brien Park
  • Continuation of the multi-year pavement management program to replace small sections of pavement
  • Installation of play equipment in Revell Park
  • Replacement of the Fergus Wastewater Treatment Plant secondary digester roof


As the Township grows and extends current levels of service to these new areas, there will be a need for staffing levels to increase.  The following positions were approved in the 2019 budget; 6 Volunteer Firefighters, a part-time Customer Service Representative, a Legislated Services Coordinator and a part time Digital Media Associate for Elora Fergus Tourism. 


The 2019 Budget also includes an investment of over $1.2M for our Rural Roads Rebuilding Program which enables the Township for add approximately 56,800 tonnes of maintenance gravel to 30% (64 km) of the Township’s gravel road network in addition to rebuilding the Eramosa/West Garafraxa Townline from Wellington Road 26 to Sixth Line.


The 2% bridge rebuilding levy has helped to rehabilitate or reconstruct 9 bridges in the last term of Council and is projected to rehabilitate or reconstruct 12 additional bridges in this term of Council (2018-2022). In addition the planning and approval process for these bridges is funded from the capital levy. In 2019 the following bridges will be reconstructed or rehabilitated at an estimated costs of $2.17 million;

  • Fourth Line bridge in former Pilkington will be replaced

  • Fifth Line bridge in former Eramosa will be rehabilitated

  • Victoria Street Pedestrian Bridge in Elora will have the piers repointed and new lighting

  • Design and approvals for the following bridges to be implemented in 2020

    • Sideroad 4 bridge in former Pilkington will be rehabilitated

    • First line bridge in former West Garafraxa will be rehabilitated

    • Third Line bridge in former Pilkington will be replaced

    • Middlebrook Place Boundary Road Culvert will be replaced. This is a joint project with the Township of Woolwich

    • Environmental Assessments for two bowstring bridges on First Line and Fifth Line in West Garafraxa are underway


Township of Centre Wellington 2019 Budget Document

View staff's 2019 budget presentation to council.

The Township collects the taxes for the County of Wellington and the Province of Ontario (Education Taxes).  They are broken down in the following way:

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