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2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan declares what Council is trying to achieve, and invites residents, businesses and community organizations to get on board and help Council to achieve its objectives. It makes transparent not only what services and assets are desirable but also the financial obstacles to potentially expanding services and infrastructure. As each new term of Council begins, Council and staff review the key priorities and initiatives that will guide the Township's work plan for the coming four years.

Council approved the 2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan, a comprehensive plan for this term of Council and beyond. It was a collaborative approach with Council and staff, that involved numerous stakeholder sessions, surveys, and Council workshops. The Council approved goals are:

  • Make our downtowns vibrant
  • Support agriculture and agri-food businesses
  • Ensure people working in our community can afford to live here
  • Welcome and accommodate tourism/tourists
  • Support and attract business development, retention, and expansion

  • Support and encourage arts and culture
  • Create an inclusive, equitable, and accessible community
  • Develop a safe and active transportation network
  • Collaborate for the recruitment and retention of Health Care professionals
  • Foster youth safety and engagement
  • Provide excellent recreational facilities and programs
  • Encourage and appreciate volunteerism

  • Become a model municipality for housing variety
  • Plan for a sustainable and liveable community 

  • Develop proactive climate change strategies
  • Protect our farmland
  • Protect our natural features
  • Protect and enhance rural and urban forests

  • Generate sustainable and diverse revenue sources that can be incorporated into long-term financial planning 
  • Provide sustainable and resilient infrastructure for our community
  • Become an employer of choice
  • Provide innovative and efficient service delivery

The annual Corporate Business Plan is developed in conjunction with the annual Budget. This ensures the funding, resources, and staffing required for the staff initiatives being recommended are incorporated into the annual Budget.

Periodic updates on Business Plan progress will be reported to Council in 2024. The Business Plan is the platform through which staff will report to Council and the community on progress. The Township will continue to refine and mature its performance measurement and management system and create tools to improve where and how decisions are made across the organization.

The business plan focuses on initiatives that are above and beyond the core services delivered to the community as part of the day-to-day operations of the Township. The long list of recommended initiatives for 2025 helps to demonstrate the scope, complexity, and volume of work managed through the organization in serving the Township of Centre Wellington.

View the 2025 Business Plan here

Along with the approved Stategic Goals, Council has set a new vision and mission for the Township of Centre Wellington with four core values.

The community to experience life along the Grand River.

We are an active, caring, innovative, safe and connected community.




Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

The Township of Centre Wellington would like to sincerely thank the hundreds of members of our community who contributed to the creation of this Strategic Plan by attending the two Community Open Houses and by completing the Strategic Plan survey on We also appreciate the ideas and suggestions from the students at both Centre Wellington District and Emmanuel Christian High Schools.

Your valuable input during the Spring of 2023 formed the foundation upon which Council and Senior Staff built this Strategic Plan. Our community benefits greatly from you sharing your time, your opinions, and your thoughts.

You can view the Township's 2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan here.

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