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Advisory Committees

Advisory Committees

Advisory committees fulfill a variety of mandates and make recommendations to Council. Most advisory committees include members of the public, as well as members of Council. Volunteering to serve on an Advisory Committee is one of the many ways residents can get involved in their community. Council relies on Advisory Committees to provide recommendations on pertinent issues throughout the municipality and draws on the expertise of citizen volunteer members. Council invites you to volunteer your time and experience to participate on such committees dealing with issues ranging from heritage buildings to community facilities and local cultural events. To recognize, promote, and strengthen the sense of community, diversity, and multiculturalism, all residents are encouraged to get involved.

Interested in applying for an Advisory Committee?

The Township of Centre Wellington advisory committee recruitment for the 2023-2026 Council term is complete. Should a vacancy occur, we will advertise at that time and interested parties may apply. 

Self Nomination Form (Printable)

Self Nomination Form

If you have any additional questions, or if you prefer to obtain a hard copy of the self nomination form, please contact Devlin Schellenberger, Legislative Coordinator.

Self Nomination Form

The Townships Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Committee is a new advisory body established by Council and staff.  The committee will provide support to staff in the drafting and implementation of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan and shall provide recommendations, advice and information to Council and staff on matters pertaining to DEI.


The Diversity Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee is committed to the promotion of equity, racial acceptance, and multicultural education where citizens are empowered to achieve their full potential in our community. The advisory committee will provide support to staff in the development and implementation of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy and shall provide a forum for consultation, feedback, and discussion on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Township of Centre Wellington.


Contact Kristen Bettiol, Manager of Community Development for additional information.


Current members of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee: Christine Dunlop, Elnor Walsh Jones,  Miranda Holmes, Pamela Brown Wass, Robert Robson, Stephanie Jones, Tasha Lake, Patricia Brown, Fanosie Wolde, Jugraj Singh, Paige Lehman, Councillor Lustgarten-Evoy, Councillor Craddock, Mayor ex-officio.

Terms of Reference

Agendas and Minutes

Heritage Centre Wellington acts as an advisory body to Council and Township staff on matters related to cultural heritage conservation within the Township.  The goals and objectives are to a) identify and help conserve heritage resources of significant aesthetic, historic, scientific, cultural, social, or spiritual importance for past, present and future generations of the Township of Centre Wellington; b) to support and develop a climate of collaborative stewardship of the Township’s cultural heritage assets through conservation programs and consultation with property owners, the community at large, Township staff and members of Council; and c) to increase awareness of the value of responsible stewardship of cultural heritage resources within the Township of Centre Wellington.


Contact Mariana Iglesias, Manager of Planning Services for additional information.


Current members of Heritage Centre Wellington: Barry Martin, Don Evoy, Kaela Anderson, Michael Hale, Nanette O'Sullivan, Nico van der Sluis, Phil Brown, Susan Taylor, Victoria Nagy, Aryan Banipal Mayor Watters.

Terms of Reference

Agendas and Minutes


The Economic Prosperity and Growth Advisory Committee acts as an advisory body to Council and Township staff that will provide advice on strategies and policies to proactively advance smart, balanced community growth, and economic prosperity that protects and showcases Centre Wellington’s unique character, while enabling residents and businesses to prosper.  The committee will also provide advice in developing overall growth strategies, policies and practices that contribute to the economic sustainability of the community. Liaise and facilitate discussions with the development and business community to effectively communicate preferred growth approaches and strategies between community groups. Provide the necessary infrastructure and related environment to provide for the needs of growth and investment in the Township.


Contact Brett Salmon, Managing Director of Planning and Development for additional information


Current members of the Economic Prosperity and Growth Advisory Committee: Colin Harding, Don Vallery, Jo-Ann Leavey, Neil Dunsmore, Rob Voisin, Janet Harrop, Brock Aldersley, Maclean Hann, Melinda Croft, Eden McQueen, Councillor Jefferson, Councillor MacDonald.

Terms of Reference

Agenda and Minutes


The Healthy Communities Advisory Committee acts as an advisory body to Council and Township staff that will work in two working groups – the Activity, Health, and Wellness Working Group and the Active Transportation and Environment Working Group. 


The Activity, Health, and Wellness Working Group will provide advice and recommendations on parks, recreation, arts, and culture matters.  The Working Group will also comment on projects ranging from master planning, non-operation policy matters, marketing and promotion initiatives, and support of local arts and cultural events programming.


Contact Pat Newson, Managing Director of Community Services, for additional information regarding the Activity, Health, and Wellness Working Group.


The Active Transportation and Environment Working Group is to provide strategies, programs, and policies to proactively promote sustainable modes of transportation and environmental conservation in the Township. A particular focus is on the implementation and promotion of active transportation and complete streets, as well as providing advice to promote environmental sustainability, stewardship, and conservation in the Township.


Contact Colin Baker, Managing Director of Infrastructure Services, for additional information regarding the Active Transportation and Environment Working Group.  


Current Members of the Healthy Communities Advisory Committee: Brenda Murphy, Bryan Hayter, Curt McQueen, Heide Schlegl, Ian MacRae, John Scott, Molly Kleiker, Neil Armstrong, Peter Lirusso, Elle Watson, Zach Kottelenberg, Councillor Adams, Councillor Wilton.

Terms of Reference

Agenda and Minutes

The purpose of the committee is to consider applications for fence variances and minor variances to the zoning by-law and extensions to legal non-conforming uses pursuant to the Planning Act. Preference may be given to those with a planning background or knowledge of the Planning Act and familiarity with the Township’s Official Plan and Zoning By-laws.

Contact Chantalle Pelizzari, Secretary-Treasurer for additional information. 


Current members of Committee of Adjustment: Aaron McCrimmon-Jones, Brad Dufour, Janice Sheppard, Kathy Baranski, Michael Ryan. 


The duties and functions of the Fenceviewers are to carry out the provisions of the Line Fences Act, R.S.O. 1990 for the purpose of resolving disputes between neighbouring landowners regarding the construction and maintenance of fences. They meet as required.


For additional information on the Line Fences Act, please contact Lisa Miller


Livestock Investigator

The duties and functions of Municipal Investigators are outlined under the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program and the Protection of Livestock and Poultry from Dogs Act.


For additional information on the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program, and to view the contact information of current Livestock Investigators in the Township, please visit our Animal Services page.

Interested in being an Advisory Committee Youth Representative? 

Why Become a Youth Representative?

  • Gain valuable experience sitting on an advisory committee.
  • Have a say in local projects.
  • Build on advocacy and negotiation skills.
  • Create new connections and expand your network with a diverse group of like-minded individuals.
  • Gain valuable employment and volunteer connections by interacting with guest speakers and representatives from local community groups and organizations.
  • Make a positive impact on the community. You can make Centre Wellington a more vibrant, youth-friendly community by providing your unique perspective in advisory committee meetings and contributing to programs that benefit Centre Wellington.
  • Satisfy the requirements of your high school volunteer service while positively impacting your community.

What are the expectations of an Advisory Committee Youth Representative?

  • Attend one, two hour monthly meeting to provide a youth perspective on the items presented on the agenda (electronic participation available).
  • Contribute to the discussion at meetings where everyone, regardless of age, race, disability, socioeconomic status, gender, or sexuality, feels welcome and valued, to bring a youth voice to discussions.

How do I become an Advisory Committee Youth Representative?

Centre Wellington is actively seeking to expand youth engagement throughout the Township. If you are interested in becoming an Advisory Committee Youth Representative, please fill out the application and release form below.

Application Form

If you have additional questions, please contact:

Devlin Schellenberger

Legislative Coordinator

To learn more about the Business Improvement Areas in Centre Wellington, click the links below:

Elora BIA

Fergus BIA

Please consult our Meeting Schedule for the dates of Advisory Committee Meetings and Committee of the Whole and Council meetings.

Who is Eligible?

Township of Centre Wellington property owners and/or residents, who are at least 18 years of age (unless it is a youth appointment) are eligible to apply. Specific Advisory Committees may require additional qualifications.

Selection Process

Most committees are appointed for a term concurrent with Council. Therefore, after a Municipal Election, the Municipal Clerk will advertise for self nominations to Advisory Committees. However, occasionally throughout the year, there are vacancies to be filled and interested persons are encouraged to complete and submit a self nomination form.  Council will appoint qualified applicants to vacancies based on the self nomination form as submitted. All applicants will be notified of the final decision.

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