8141 Sideroad 20, West Garafraxa (Little Rest Farms)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://centrewellington.civicweb.net/portal/. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s file number for this application is RZ09/24. The subject land is known municipally as 8141 Sideroad 20, West Garafraxa.
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning from “A” Agricultural and “EP” Environment Protection to “A” Agricultural Exception and “EP” Environment Protection on the retained parcel to restrict residential uses. The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to implement zoning regulations necessary to facilitate a farm dwelling surplus severance. The zoning amendment is a condition of approval of the County of Wellington Land Division Committee Application B81-24.
7120 Sixth Line, Belwood (Huber)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://centrewellington.civicweb.net/portal/. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s file number for this application is RZ08/24. The subject land is known municipally as 7120 Sixth Line, Belwood.
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning from “A” Agricultural to “A” Agricultural Exception on the retained parcel to restrict residential uses. The amendment also seeks to permit the maximum floor area for all accessory buildings to be 6.2% of the total lot area on the severed parcel. The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to implement zoning regulations necessary to facilitate a farm dwelling surplus severance and allow an increased maximum floor area on the severed parcel. The zoning amendment is a condition of approval of the County of Wellington Land Division Committee Application B54-24.
6518 First Line - Fergus Business Park
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has initiated an application for a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Monday January 27, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://centrewellington.civicweb.net/portal/.
The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s File Number for this application is RZ007-24.
73-79 Sideroad 19, Fergus (Wrighthaven Homes)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://centrewellington.civicweb.net/portal/. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s File Number for this application is RZ006-24. The subject land is known municipally as 73 & 79 Sideroad 19 in Fergus.
Purpose and Effect
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning from R1A (Residential) to R3.XX.X (Residential Exception). The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to implement zoning provisions to facilitate the development of semi-detached dwellings, cluster townhouse units and single detached dwellings.
Fergus Business Park - Holding Zone Removal
TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Township of Centre Wellington is passing an amending by‑law under Section 36 of the Planning Act to remove the holding zone symbol from lands zoned M2(H) by the Township of Centre Wellington By-law No. 2009-045 as amended.
The zoning of the lands permits general industrial uses. The current holding zone symbol was put in place to ensure municipal servicing was completed prior to redevelopment. The passing of this by-law will allow the development of permitted industrial uses within the Centre Wellington Business Park – North Fergus.
6235 Guelph Street, formerly Nichol Township (Lindsay/Aypa Power)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The Township’s File Number for this application is RZ005/24. The subject land is known municipally as 6235 Guelph Street, formerly Nichol Township.
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning from ‘A.19.3’ (Agricultural Exception) and ‘EP’ (Environmental Protection) to ‘A.19.X’ (Agricultural Exception) and ‘EP’ (Environmental Protection). The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to permit a battery energy storage facility on a portion of the property. The applicant has also filed an application with the County of Wellington for an Official Plan Amendment. The County’s file number is OP-2024-04.
750 St. David Street North, Fergus (2587722 Ontario Inc.)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Wednesday September 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://centrewellington.civicweb.net/portal/. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s File Number for this application is RZ04/24. The subject land is known municipally as 750 St. David Street North in Fergus.
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning from R1C (Residential) to R4 (Residential). The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to facilitate the construction of a stacked townhouse development consisting of 12 residential units.
6829 Fifth Line, West Garafraxa (Mulder)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Wednesday September 25, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://centrewellington.civicweb.net/portal/. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s file number for this application is RZ03/24. The subject land is known municipally as 6829 Fifth Line, West Garafraxa, as shown in the key map below.
Purpose and Effect
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning from “A” Agricultural and “EP” Environmental Protection to “A” Agricultural Exception and “EP” Environmental Protection on the retained parcel to restrict residential uses. Furthermore, the amendment seeks to recognize the height of the existing accessory building (barn) measuring 8.7 metres. The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to implement zoning regulations necessary to facilitate a farm dwelling surplus severance and to recognize existing buildings on the severed parcel. The zoning amendment is a condition of approval of the County of Wellington Land Division Committee Application B6-24.
8196 Wellington Road 19, West Garafraxa (Pinho)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Monday, March 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://centrewellington.civicweb.net/portal/. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s File Number for this application is RZ01/24. The subject land is known municipally as 8196 Wellington Road 19, West Garafraxa, as shown in the key map below.
Purpose and Effect
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning from “A” Agricultural and “EP” Environmental Protection to “A” Agricultural Exception and “EP” Environmental Protection on the retained parcel to restrict residential uses. Furthermore, the amendment will seek to permit a maximum floor area of 6.6% for accessory buildings on the severed parcel, and to recognize the height of the existing accessory building (barn) measuring 10.5 metres. The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to implement zoning regulations necessary to facilitate a farm dwelling surplus severance and to recognize existing buildings on the severed parcel. The zoning amendment is a condition of approval of the County of Wellington Land Division Committee Application B86-23.
South Fergus Secondary Plan - Official Plan Amendment (Township Initiated)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has initiated an amendment to the Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan, pursuant to Section 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The file number for this application is OP004/23. The Township will hold a public meeting to present the proposed amendment and to receive public input before making a decision. The public meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario, N0B 1S0.
The subject property is located on the lands bounded by Scotland Street to the east, Second Line to the south, Guelph Street to the west and existing development to the north and is bisected by Highway 6.
The proposed official plan amendment is in the form of a secondary plan for the subject land, as required by the provisions of the Township Official Plan. The effect of the amendment is to implement detailed land use plans and policies to guide orderly development of the remaining designated greenfield lands in south Fergus. The South Fergus Secondary Plan provides a conceptual framework for the area and addresses the mix, arrangement and density of land uses, collector road network, size and location of parks and school sites, the location of major services, and the natural heritage network. It is intended to provide the basis for the preparation of future Planning Act applications.
These lands were added to the Urban Centre boundary in 2003 to accommodate projected growth for at least 20 years. Concurrent with the secondary plan process, a Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) has been undertaken to integrate infrastructure requirements for existing and future land uses under the Municipal Class EA process with environmental assessment planning principles.
965, 970 Gartshore Street, Fergus & 101 Gregson Court, Fergus (Township Initiated)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has initiated an official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 17 and Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. A public meeting regarding these amendments will be held on Monday, June 26, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed amendments and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s file number for these applications are OP03/23 and RZ06/23. The subject lands to which the proposed amendments apply are known municipally as 970 Gartshore Street & 101 Gregson Court, and 965 Gartshore Street, Fergus.
Purpose and Effect
970 Gartshore Street & 101 Gregson Court: the purpose of the proposed official plan amendment is to change the land use designation from “Future Development” to “Industrial”. The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning from “FD” Future Development to “M2” General Industrial. The effect of these amendments is to permit industrial uses.
965 Gartshore Street: the purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning from “A” Agricultural to “IN – Institutional Exception”. The effect of the amendment is to facilitate the construction of an operations centre.
19 East Mill Street, Elora (Oxford Green Riverside Developments)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of an official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 17 and Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. A public meeting regarding these two applications will be held on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s file number for these applications are OP02/23 and RZ05/23. The subject land to which the proposed amendments apply is known municipally as 19 East Mill Street, Elora.
The purpose of the proposed official plan amendment is to change a portion of the land use designation from “Residential” to “Central Business District”. The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to chance the current zoning from “R1A” Residential to “C1” Central Business District Exception. The effect of these amendments is to facilitate a mixed-use development consisting of commercial and residential land uses.
77 McQueen Boulevard, Fergus (Westminister Hills Ltd.)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario.
The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s File Number for this application is RZ03/23.
The subject land is known municipally as 77 McQueen Blvd, Fergus.
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning of the subject land from “IN” Institutional to “R4” Residential. The effect of the amendment is to facilitate the construction of an apartment building.
465 Garafraxa Street West, Fergus (Habitat for Humanity)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario.
The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s File Number for this application is RZ02/23.
The subject land is known municipally as 465 Garafraxa Street West in Fergus.
22 Park Road, Elora (2247377 Ontario Inc.)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 17 and Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The Township’s File Numbers for these applications are OP01/23 and RZ01/23.
The subject land is known municipally as 22 Park Road in Elora.
The purpose of the proposed Official Plan Amendment is to change the land use designation from “Industrial” to “Highway Commercial”. The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning from”M1” Service Industrial to “C2” Highway Commercial. The effect of these amendments is to facilitate a commercial development including food retail store. The subject land also has associated Land Division applications B140/22, B141/22 and B142/22 through the County of Wellington.
7450 Middlebrook Road, Pilkington (Croft)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File RZ020/22). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land is known municipally as 7450 Middlebrook Road in the former Township of Pilkington.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning of the property from “A” Agricultural and “EP” Environmental Protection to “A” Agricultural Exception and “EP” Environmental Protection. The effect of the amendment is to allow a seasonal special events venue and a sales outlet for agricultural products in the existing barn as on-farm businesses for agri-tourism.
350 Wellington Road 7, Salem (Elora 7 BT Inc.)
TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 17 and Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The Township’s File Numbers for these applications are OP01/22 and RZ17/22.
The subject land is known municipally as 350 Wellington Road 7, Salem, as shown on the key plan below.
The purpose of the proposed official plan amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject land from “Highway Commercial” to “Highway Commercial Policy Area PA1-16”. The purpose of the zoning by-law amendment is to change the current zoning from “C2 (H)” Highway Commercial with a Holding Provision to “C2” Highway Commercial Exception. The effect of these amendments is to facilitate the development of townhouse, back-to-back townhouse, and live-work townhouse units.
Revised Submission
Revised Submission August 2023
961 St. David Street North, Fergus (Oliveira/Medeiros)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File RZ015/22). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land to which the proposed amendment applies is known municipally as 961 St. David Street North in Fergus.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning from Residential (R1A.70.1) to Residential (R1C and R3 Exception). The effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to accommodate a proposed development consisting of 13 single detached dwellings and 37 townhouse units.
75 Woolwich Street East, Nichol (Cachet Developments (Elora) Inc.)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File RZ14/22). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land is known municipally as 75 Woolwich Street East, Nichol.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning of the property from “FD” Future Development to “R2” Residential Exception, “R3” Residential Exception, and “OS” Open Space. The effect of the amendment is to allow 147 single detached dwellings, 149 townhouse units, a park and open space.
The applicant has also filed an application with the County of Wellington for approval of a proposed draft plan of subdivision (File number #23T-22005).
A Revised Application was submitted in July, 2023 including the following plans/reports
223 St. Andrew Street East, Fergus (MMDG Health Service Inc.)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File# RZ13/22). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land to which the proposed amendment applies is known municipally as 223 St. Andrew Street East in Fergus.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning from “C1” Central Business District Commercial to “C1” Central Business District Commercial Exception. The effect of the amendment is to allow a 5 storey (16.6 metres) building with ground floor commercial space and 4 storeys of residential dwelling units above. The redevelopment will include the removal of the existing dwelling and accessory buildings.
950-960 St. David Street North, Fergus (Groves Hospital Volunteer Association)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Wednesday August 31, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s File Number for this application is RZ011/22.
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning of the subject land from “C2” Highway Commercial to “C2” Highway Commercial Exception. The effect of the amendment is to implement zoning regulations necessary to facilitate a stacked townhouse development (112 units) on the rear portion of the lands and continue to permit all uses allowed under the Highway Commercial zone. The subject lands are known as 950-960 St. David Street North, Fergus.
Township Initiated Zoning Amendment - Agricultural and Highway Commercial Zones
The Township of Centre Wellington is initiating an amendment to Zoning By-law 2009-045 (File No. RZ012/22) pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The Council of the Township of Centre Wellington will hold a public meeting regarding this application on Wednesday, June 29th, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed Zoning By-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision.
The purpose and effect of the amendment is to:
- Amend the Zoning By-law provisions related to the “A” Agricultural zone(s) in order to regulate “On-Farm Diversified Uses” and “Additional Residential Units (ARUs).
Amend the Zoning By-law provisions related to the “C2” Highway Commercial zone(s) that affect the development of mixed use and residential uses.
Because the amendments affect land generally within all Highway Commercial and Agricultural areas of the Township, a key plan is not provided.
149 and 157 [portion only] Sideroad 18, Fergus (RSR Inc.)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received a complete application for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 and will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment on Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario. The purpose of the public meeting is to present the proposed by-law amendment and to receive public input prior to making a decision. The Township’s File Number for this application is RZ07/22.
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning of the subject land from “R1A.70.1” Residential Exception to “R2” Residential. The effect of the amendment is to implement zoning regulations to allow for two semi-detached dwellings (4 units total) and a single detached dwelling with reduced lot width and area. The zoning amendment is related to County of Wellington Land Division Committee Applications B67/21, B68/21 and B69/21. The subject land is known as 149 Sideroad 18, and a portion of 157 Sideroad 18, Fergus.
8243, 8262, 8282 Wellington Road 19, Belwood (883890 Ontario Ltd.)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File# RZ06/22). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land to which the proposed amendment applies are properties known municipally as 8243, 8268, and 8282 Wellington Road 19, West Garafraxa.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning from “A” Agricultural, “R1A.29.8” Residential Exception, “R1A.30.2” Residential Exception, “OS-GC” Open Space Golf Course and “EP” Environmental Protection to “R1A” Residential Exception, “OS” Open Space, Open Space Golf Course Exception, and “EP” Environmental Protection. The effect of the amendment to allow 118 single detached residential units on private, communal water and sanitary service on the South-East portion of the lands. The 18-hole golf course and associated facilities will remain on the North-West portion of the lands.
Additional Applications - The applicant has also filed applications to the County of Wellington for approval including a proposed official plan amendment (OP-2022-01), a proposed draft plan of subdivision application (23T-22001), and a proposed draft plan of condominium application (23CD-22001).
A revised submission has been provided to the Township on April 27, 2023
South River Road, Elora (1238576 Ontario Ltd.)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File# RZ05/22). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land to which the proposed amendment applies is shown on the notice below.
The proposed zoning by-law amendment seeks to revise the boundary between the R1A.58.14 zone and the OS zone. The intent of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to adjust the boundary of the OS zone to create a lateral woodland corridor along South River Road.
Geddes/Moir Street, Elora (2476170 Ontario Inc.)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File# RZ02/22). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The area to which the proposed amendment applies is shown on the notice below.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning of “C1” Commercial to “C1-Exception”. The effect of the amendment is to allow an increased maximum building height of four (4) storeys (12 metres) from the permitted maximum height of three (3) storeys (11 metres) to construct a new mixed-use commercial/residential building.
350 St. Andrew Street West, Fergus (Van Grootheest Holdings Inc.)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File# RZ05/21). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land is known as 350 St. Andrew Street West in Fergus.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning of “C1” Commercial and “EP” Environmental Protection to “C1-Exception” and “EP” Environmental Protection. The effect of the amendment is to allow an increased maximum building height of five (5) storeys (17.5 metres) from the permitted maximum height of three (3) storeys (11 metres) to construct a new residential apartment (36 units) with ground floor commercial space (127 m2 space).
A Public Information Centre (PIC) session was held on December 8, 2021 by the Applicant's Consultant's. Below is copy of the presentation slides and a recording of the Zoom meeting.
Revised Information received March 8, 2023
7284 Sideroad 4, Inverhaugh (Elora Ridge Developments)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File RZ11/18). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land is located at 7284 Sideroad 4 in Inverhaugh.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning of the subject land from Extractive Industrial (M3.91.2), Agricultural (A.91.1) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Residential (R1A), Open Space (OS) and Environmental Protection (EP) in order to accommodate the development of a proposed draft plan of subdivision. The proposed draft plan of subdivision consists of lots and blocks for up to 40 single detached dwelling units, park, storm water management pond and walkways. The County of Wellington Draft Plan of Subdivision file number is 23T-18005.
6542 & 6560 Gerrie Road, Elora (Ainley Subdivision)
The applicant has submitted the below revised information on April 17, 2023.
The applicant has submitted revised and/or additional information in support of the zoning amendment and draft plan of subdivision applications. A public meeting has now been scheduled for this application.
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File RZ06/18). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject lands are 6542 Gerrie Road and 6560 Gerrie Road in Elora. An application for draft plan of subdivision has been received by the County of Wellington. The County’s application number is 23T-18002.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments is to change the current zoning of the subject land from Agricultural (A) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Residential (R1B, R1B Exception, R1C, R1C Exception, R2, R4 and R4 Exception), Open Space (OS), Future Development (FD) and Environmental Protection (EP). The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to accommodate the development of a proposed draft plan of subdivision (County of Wellington File Number: 23T-18002). The proposed draft plan of subdivision consists of lots and blocks for up to 251 units including a mix of single detached dwellings, cluster townhouses, an apartment, parks, open space, storm water management ponds and walkways.
820 St. David Street North, Fergus
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File RZ05/18). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land is described as 820 St. David Street North, Fergus as shown on the key map below.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the current zoning of Commercial (C2) to Commercial Exception. The effect of the amendment is to permit the development of a 6-storey retirement residence and associated uses.
Revised Reports/Plans
133 South River Road, Elora (Haylock Property)
Zoning Amendment
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning of the subject land from "A" Agricultural to "R2" Residential Exception, "R3" Residential Exception and "OS" Open Space. The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to accommodate the development of a proposed draft plan of subdivision (County of Wellington File Number: 23T-15001). The proposed draft plan of subdivision consists of lots and blocks for up to 475 single detached, semi-detached, duplex, townhouse and apartment dwelling units, a park, storm water management pond and walkways.
This application has been appealed to the OMB (LPAT). Application information and supporting documents are available upon request.
The LPAT issued a decision on July 25, 2018. PLN 160992 & PLN 160993
The LPAT issued the Order on January 8, 2019.
At the June 29th Council meeting the below information was presented:
27, 32 & 40 Broken Front Path, 11 Gilkison St, Elora (Youngblood/Mallet)
Zoning Amendment
The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to change the zoning of the subject land from "A" Agricultural to "R1C" Residential Exception, "R3" Residential Exception and "OS" Open Space. The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to accommodate the development of a proposed draft plan of subdivision (County of Wellington File Number: 23T-15003). The proposed draft plan of subdivision consists of lots and blocks for 238 to 292 single detached, triplex, fourplex, and townhouse dwelling units, a park, storm water management pond and walkways.
This application has been appealed to the OMB (LPAT). Application information and supporting documents are available upon request.
The LPAT issued a decision on July 25, 2018. PLN 160992 & PLN 160993
The LPAT issued the Order on January 8, 2019.
7708 Colborne Street, Fergus (West Phase - Storybrook Subdivision)
The Township of Centre Wellington has received an application to amend the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law (File RZ11/16). This application has been deemed complete and this Notice of Complete Application is being given in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. The subject land is the "West" Phase of the Storybrook Subdivision located at 7708 Colborne Street, Fergus.
The purpose of the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments is to change the current zoning of the subject land from Future Development (FD) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Residential (R1C, R3 & R6), Open Space (OS), Commercial (C3) and Environmental Protection (EP). The effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to accommodate the development of a proposed draft plan of subdivision (County of Wellington File Number: 23T-16003). The proposed draft plan of subdivision consists of lots and blocks for up to 1178 single detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwelling units, commercial/mixed use, parks, storm water management pond and walkways
This application has been appealed to the OMB (LPAT). Application information and supporting documents are available upon request.
Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) Decision - December 24, 2018